How to Merge Multiple Tickets


The merge ticket feature allows you to combine multiple tickets into a single primary ticket. It's particularly useful when you receive several requests or reports about the same issue from different users or when related issues are mistakenly filed as separate tickets.


This help article intends to guide you through the steps to successfully merge tickets, enhancing your ability to provide effective and organized support.


Note: Please note that the merge ticket function is non-reversible. Once tickets are merged, they cannot be separated again. So, review your selections carefully before completing the process.


Use Case:

For example, if three customers report a similar issue with an email service, instead of managing these as separate tickets, you can merge them into one. This way, your responses and updates benefit everyone involved.



  • Efficiency: Saves time by managing one ticket instead of several.

  • Clarity: Keeps related communications in one place for easier tracking.

  • Customer Satisfaction: Provides unified responses to multiple customers experiencing the same issue.


To Merge Tickets


Step 1: Accessing the Primary Ticket

  • In your dashboard, navigate to the "Tickets" section.

  • Find and open the ticket you intend to keep as the primary ticket. This will be the main ticket after the merge.


ticket section


Step 2:  Within the primary ticket's details, locate and click on the "Merge Ticket" button. This action initiates the process of combining tickets.


merge button


Step 3: Searching for Tickets to Merge


  • A search interface will appear. Specify the criteria for finding the other ticket(s) you want to merge.

  • Enter the relevant search terms or identifiers for the ticket(s) you're looking to merge with the primary ticket.

  • The system will display the tickets that match your search criteria. Review the list to ensure it includes the correct ticket(s) for merging.

  • Add ticket(s) from the search results using the + button.


search tickets


Step 4: Confirming Tickets for Merge

  • Once you have identified the correct ticket(s) to merge, confirm the order of tickets. The primary ticket you opened first will remain at the forefront.

  • Click "Continue" to proceed with the merge process.


confirm merge ticket


You can also check "Add secondary ticket recipients to CC," which will ensure that when the tickets are merged, the recipients of the secondary tickets will be kept in the loop via CC on the primary ticket. 


Note: At this stage, you have the option to reselect or remove tickets from the merge list if needed.


Here’s how the merge ticket flow will appear to you:


ticket flow


Step 5: Click "Merge" to finalize the process.


A confirmation message will appear to indicate a successful merge, showing the updated status of the merged tickets.


tickets merged successfully 

You have successfully merged the tickets.


That's all about merging tickets in ProProfs Help Desk. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.



Related Articles:

  • How to Add Child Tickets to a Ticket
  • How to Add Attachments and Notes to a Ticket Response
  • How to Set up Automated Emails for Ticket Rating
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